Friday, March 26, 2010


We are all artists, creators and as an artist, my life and work are where my passion and inspiration find expression. What inspires me? So many things: Life, People, the Universe, Music, Nature, the Power of Love and the Triumph of the Human Spirit. There are so many wonders in this world when one takes the time to Stop, Look and Listen.

Helen Keller (1880-1968), an American writer, educator and social activist, who was blind and deaf, said : ”Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all. Security is mainly a superstition. It does not exist in nature.. To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable.”

I believe we should explore our inner and outer landscapes, believe in possibility and strive to live as fearlessly and authentically as possible, creating with integrity, passion and love, following our bliss and believing in our wildest dreams, taking risks and trusting that the universe supports our endeavours.

When we can see challenges as gifts and opportunities to grow and learn and turn them into stepping stones, and appreciate that everything serves our growth it helps us open our hearts to ourselves, to each other, and connect through our common humanity and our divinity. It helps us to choose from LOVE rather than FEAR, say YES to Life rather than NO and it helps us to EXPAND rather than CONTRACT.

We are all powerful co-creators of our magnificent universe. Dare to be different, dare to dream, dare to risk and dare to step into the Unknown, knowing that when you step into that Void of Infinite Possibility, only two things can happen- you will find firm ground beneath your feet or you will learn how to fly.

So come fly with me…

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